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Cookie Policy

Last updated: 2023.11.01

At Ka:en Japan, we use cookies or similar technologies to analyze how customers use our website and to provide customized services and advertisements to individual customers. On this page, we will explain the types of cookies and how they are managed.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are functions that store customers' website browsing information on their computers (PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc.). Cookies can be classified into "First Party Cookies" set by Ka:en Japan and "Third Party Cookies" set by third parties affiliated with us.

Purpose of Using Cookies

  1. At Ka:en Japan, we use cookies to improve convenience, such as storing customer input information.
  2. We may use the information collected through cookies to analyze customers' website usage (access status, traffic, routing, etc.), improve the performance of the website itself, and enhance and improve the services we provide to our customers. The following tools are mainly used for this analysis, and information may be provided to the tool providers:
    Google LLC, Meta Platforms Inc
  3. In addition, cookies may be used to deliver behavioral targeting advertisements by affiliated ad delivery service providers.

How to Refuse Cookies

  1. By changing the settings of your browser, you can disable all functions of cookies. However, please note that some services may not function properly if all cookies are disabled.
  2. In regions that comply with GDPR, you can disable cookies categorized into four functions via the Cookie Policy popup displayed when visiting the site.

List of Cookies

Necessary Cookie

These cookies are necessary for the proper operation of the website and cannot be turned off. You can refuse all cookies in your browser settings, but this may prevent the site from functioning properly. These types of cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

Cookie group Cookies Cookies used Lifespan cookietest , wpm-domain-test First Party Session keep_alive First Party 30 Minutes _cmp_a , _example_session , _secure_session_id First Party 1 Day _orig_referrer , cart_sig , cart_currency First Party 14 Days secure_customer_sig , _tracking_consent First Party 1 Year

Performance Cookie

These cookies anonymously measure visitors and traffic to the website and are used to analyze and improve services. If you do not allow these cookies, we will not be able to understand your interests and preferences accurately, and monitoring performance will become impossible.

Cookie group Cookies Cookies used Lifespan _shopify_d First Party Session _shopify_sa_t , _shopify_s , _shopify_sa_p First Party 30 Minutes _gat_gtag_UA_* First Party 1 Minute _gid First Party 1 Day _landing_page First Party 14 Days _gcl_au First Party 3 Month _shopify_y First Party 1 Year _ga , _ga_* First Party 1 Year , 1 Month , 4 Days

Functional Cookie

These cookies are used to enhance and personalize the functionality of the website. They may be added by third-party providers affiliated with us. If you do not allow these cookies, some parts of the site may not function properly.

Cookie group Cookies Cookies used Lifespan localization First Party 1 Year

Marketing Cookie

These cookies are used to display advertisements that match your interests and preferences. They may be added by third-party providers affiliated with us. If you do not allow these cookies, more general advertisements that are not targeted will be displayed.

Cookie group Cookies Cookies used Lifespan _gat_gtag_UA_* First Party 1 Minute _gcl_au First Party 3 Month